This bike has slept almost a year .. 7 month in front of the Garage and 5 months in front of my room..Now, she's wake up and ready for action again with more sexy butt. Navigate the streets in the afternoon or evening with the new dress that I call, the Cafe Hornet. Well, i think this style is rare in kustom kulture lovers. Not yet! But, here we are ... always trying to offer new ideas. And now, we changed the Suzuki Thunder 125 with new style. The colors are brighter than we ever made. Much brighter with some simple combination colors from silver with soft red efect, gold and hard dark purple..

Suzuki Thunder 125 " Cafe Hornet" Spec Sheet
Front Tire : Cheng Shin 90/90-18
Rear tire : IRC 4.00-18
Gas tank : Yamaha RS custom
Hornet seat : Hand made Thekatros
Side cover : Hand made Thekatros
Silencer : Hand made Thekatros
Carb filter : VW
Rear Shock : Steel pipe 3/4 mm
Front Shock : Stock-extended 150 mm
Head light : H3 with custom paint
Rear light : Oval
Hand grip : Posh
Coil : Shindegen
by Thekatros

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